Eböcker Kärleken till livet..: Del 1 (Swedish Edition) Gratis

E böcker gratis nedladdning Kärleken till livet..: Del 1 (Swedish Edition)

Paperback : 240 pages

ISBN-10 : 9590791363

Customer Review :

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Gratis barnböcker Kärleken till livet..: Del 1 (Swedish Edition)

Read it in the original language, Swedish (Den svavelgula himlen). It is one of the author's better books. Interesting for me because I am familiar with the places he describes and the cultural context. At the same time I was reading Knausgaard's book "Death in the family", which is telling a story in a very similar way, and Westö's way and outcome is far more interesting!

Not only did I learn a lot of Swedish, but also about the way of living. flag 1 like · Like · see review Mar 25, 2016 Lisbeth Sundman rated it really liked it · review of another edition

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